
  • Gps tracking
  • Gps tracking
  • Gps tracking

With advanced innovation and highly modernized technologies disrupting logistics industry, Dispatch sector has become one of the key factors in Supply Chain. Aggressive increase in transportation demand in last decade, has forced us to develop new patterns of organization that would minimize overhead, streamline freight and most importantly remain cost efficient in delivery process.

In order to obtain maximum value for time spent on the road, we have introduced 24/7 available dispatch service followed by 24/7 shippers and receiver’s availability.

Through our experience, dispatch has developed strong network with leading brokers in Midwest and Southeast area. Using analysis from the biggest data collectors in the market, we are always one step ahead in predicting freight market trends.

Dispatch service in Eos Group, Inc is based on maintaining high level of customer satisfaction, ensuring that members of our team are treated with appropriate respect and dignity.


Eos Group
Location :
600 E. Higgins Rd, Unit 2F, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

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Eos Group, Inc

Always there to keep up with your needs in Logistics Sector. We want to Meet your Expectations and achieve highest level of customer satisfaction!
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